Mafia in Australia

G’day fuckers. My name’s Steve, and I’ve been following and researching the Australian arm of the ‘ndrangheta for about 15 years now.  I’ve witnessed the results of the global expansion and proliferation of the various ‘ndrine worldwide. My information has come from public sources, available to all, Australian or otherwise.

This blog was started chiefly as a platform for a series of articles I have written that will chart the ‘ndrangheta’s history in Australia, from the Edwardian era and onward, with an eye to the modern age and beyond. I will explore the links between the ‘ndrine in Australia and Italy, and those international. The scope has also included overt cases of Italian-Australian organised crime and criminality, whether Calabrese or otherwise. I’ll keep track of the newspaper articles posted online as well. To a degree.

I’d also like to be able to talk shit about shit, when I want to, y’know? I mean, it’s my fuckin’ blog right…? Sometimes, I just wanna talk about Game of Thrones. I’ll update when I can, but it’ll likely be sporadic.

I’ll say this now too; I love and respect the Italian-Australians in my life, and am acutely aware of the fact that the vast majority are honest and hardworking citizens, and a vital part of the great Australian melting pot, and have contributed towards making Australia the country it is today.

Also, I got wog blood too. So don’t you dare play a race card with me.